Harvest started at last!
Today in the sunshine we had our first day picking as promised. A lovely warm day and lots of organic grapes. The Siegerrebe makes up a crucial part of our Horsmonden dry white wine blend as it has a soft acidity and a delicious aromatic style. It will make up about 15% of the blend.
This years crop of Siegerrebe has been wonderful - no mildew, very little bird damage and a good yield at around 2kgs per vine. The grapes are taken straight to the winery at Rotherfield where the press is loaded and started immediately. The photo above shows the juice running from the press. This juice will be settled overnight and then we hope fermentation will start spontaneously without the need for adding yeast.
Thanks to all who helped with picking today - fantastic job. I hope you will want to return for the next day picking (we will probably have 2 or 3 days picking next week).